Ravensburger - 20998 - My first memory® Plüsch - The classic memory game with 24 fabric cards and cute animal children, toys from 2 years.
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Elephant, cat, horse, and sheep - but where is the second card for each? Memory® is a brilliantly simple memory game that promotes concentration and memory playfully. My first memory® was specially developed for children from 2 years of age and contains thick, soft fabric cards for the little ones. Various game options with different levels of difficulty provide variety.
My first memory® Plüsch is a popular memory game with 24 soft fabric cards and loving animal children illustrations for the youngest. The aim of the game is to find two identical picture cards. Children uncover two cards. Whoever uncovers two identical picture cards wins the picture pair. The ingenious simple game principle is ideal for joint play rounds between children and adults. Memory® is exciting, varied, and everyone can win! Most children even have a small advantage over adults with their excellent visual memory.
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