Ravensburger Gabby’s Dollhouse Junior Labyrinth - 22674 - The well-known board game classic from Ravensburger as a junior version for all fans of the popular preschool series Gabby’s Dollhouse, board game for 2 to 4 children aged 4 years and up.
Ravensburger Gabby’s Dollhouse Junior Labyrinth - 22674 - The well-known board game classic from Ravensburger as a junior version for all fans of the popular preschool series Gabby’s Dollhouse, board game for 2 to 4 children aged 4 years and up.
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I denne juniorudgave af den internationalt kendte spilklassiker "Den skøre labyrint" skal børn fra 4 år lede efter de populære figurer fra den animerede serie Gabby's Dollhouse. Ved smart og forudseende at flytte kortene på spillepladen skaber spillerne nye stier, der fører til de eftertragtede seriehelte. Den, der bevarer overblikket, når hurtigt sit mål og sikrer sig sejren.
Gabby and her cat friends have hidden in the corridors of the Junior Labyrinth. Who can find them? In each turn, the square path cards on the game board are moved: new paths are created, sometimes dead ends are formed. Whoever still keeps an overview will quickly find their way to the respective sought-after figures. Whoever then finds their way out of the labyrinth first wins. Gabby’s Dollhouse Junior Labyrinth is a search and slide game with a brilliantly simple and unique game principle! Simple rules provide plenty of fun and many happy rounds of play in the family. The junior edition is already suitable for children aged 4 years and up. Each game runs differently due to the random arrangement of the path cards. So limitless fun is guaranteed.
1 game board, 17 path cards, 12 round picture cards, 4 game pieces, 1 instruction manual.
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