Produkter>Spil>Familiespil>Ravensburger 22350 Collector's memory® Christmas - The world-famous memory game for 2 to 8 players aged 6 and over with die-cut Christmas trees to set up
Ravensburger 22350 Collector's memory® Christmas - The world-famous memory game for 2 to 8 players aged 6 and over with die-cut Christmas trees to set up
Ravensburger 22350 Collector's memory® Christmas - The world-famous memory game for 2 to 8 players aged 6 and over with die-cut Christmas trees to set up
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This memory® takes you into the Christmas season! 48 large and thick cards in the shape of a Christmas tree that can be put together at the end and put up in a decorative way. memory® in a whole new, Christmassy dimension!
Collector's memory® Christmas contains 48 Christmas tree cards, which can be put together at the end to form 24 beautiful 3D Christmas trees. In terms of play, everything remains in the classic memory tradition: players take turns to reveal two Christmas trees. If both cards show the same motif, the two parts can be put together to form a tree and placed in front of them. The player with the most fir trees in front of them at the end wins. Until the next memory game, you can put the fir trees together and put them up as Christmas decorations.
48 picture cards in the shape of fir trees (24 pairs of cards) to put together and set up, 1 set of instructions with an additional overview of the 24 Christmas traditions shown.
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